St Ninian's is the Cathedral of the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane. It is called a Cathedral because it contains the throne or seat ('cathedra' in Greek and Latin) of the Bishop. Our Bishop is the Rt Revd Ian Paton. The Cathedral is run by the Provost, assisted by the Chapter and Vestry and a team of clergy and lay ministers.
The Cathedral congregation come from many churches and countries – some of us have been at St Ninian's Cathedral for decades while others have just joined. We welcome all ages and nationalities – those seeking to find their spiritual home in Perth and those who are simply visiting. People at all stages of faith and doubt are welcome at St Ninian's Cathedral.
Those with special ministries in our Cathedral include:
Father Stephen was installed as Provost in September 2024. He was previously Rector of Holy Cross, Edinburgh and before that was Rector of Padstow in Cornwall and Associate Rector of St John’s, Princes Street, Edinburgh. He is married to Izzy and they have two daughters.
For 18 years Father Stephen was a Benedictine monk and he maintains a strong interest in Christian spirituality and worship. Educated at the Universities of St Andrews, Cambridge and Edinburgh, he teaches trainee priests at the Scottish Episcopal Institute and is passionate about making the riches of the Christian tradition accessible to all. He is also a historian and has published a number of books and articles, mainly on Christian worship and Scottish church history.
The Chapter of the Cathedral consists of the Bishop, the Provost, the Dean of the Diocese and other priests who are called Canons. The Chapter acts as the permanent advisory council of the Bishop.
As well as preaching and celebrating the Eucharist and other Sacraments, the clergy and others in licensed ministry make visits to those who are unwell and work closely with the lay ministry team in delivering communion to the house bound. Members of the clergy are available to offer spiritual support to those who are experiencing difficulties in life and hold a pastoral role in supporting all congregation members.
St Ninian’s Episcopal Primary school is located close to the cathedral and the children and staff have a positive relationship with the clergy who regularly attend and support school events throughout the year.
Lay ministers work alongside the clergy in delivering communion to the house bound. Licensed by the Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, the cathedral lay ministers receive training and continuous support in providing a peaceful environment of worship to all they visit. If you or someone you know would benefit from receiving communion at home, please contact the cathedral on 01738 632053.
The Vestry or church council are the trustees of the Cathedral and, led by the Provost, are responsible for managing the temporal affairs of the congregation including the Cathedral finances. Different members of the vestry hold different responsibilities and meet once a month to address various aspects of the running of the Cathedral. This can range from organising specific Cathedral events to discussing plans for the upkeep and restoration of the building.