
Online Worship for the Seventh Sunday in Easter

For the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Rt Rev Ian Paton, Bishop of this diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane, celebrates the Eucharist from his home in Perth. Bishop Ian will be joined virtually by the members of our diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane: Lis Burke, Diocesan Warden of Lay Readers reads from the book of Acts; the Dean of the Diocese, the Very Rev Kenny Rathband, reads the Epistle; the Rev Annie Hughes, Curate at St John’s, Perth reads the Gospel and Rachael Wright, Mixed Mode student for the Highland Perthshire charges leads the intercessions.  The organist for the service is Michael Bawtree. The service will begin at 11am on Sunday May 24 and can be accessed here

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